Our Mission:

Unique opportunities and challenges due to climate change present themselves and their effects on the ocean will become more significant in the near future. Shallow water areas will increase in size based on current climate projections. Our mission is to be a part of a push to ensure seamless water-land transitional mobility.

ISAXC focuses on ways to positively engage an ever changing ocean climate through research and development.  Our goal is to implement methods commonly used in maritime engineering to explore the ocean inner space.

We are confident that genuine solutions to the challenges we face today could be found through the application of innovative designs in manned and unmanned devices.

Our vision:

A modular underwater vessel capable of providing exploratory services and solutions to the shallow waters zone safely and conveniently.

Our past and ongoing R&D efforts will provide insight into the feasibility of our generalized underwater mobility solution.

We seek to implement mature solutions to said subsurface capabilities and  its relevant infrastructure  in the following 5 to 8 years.

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A rising sea and its treasures...

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